Each Sun sign in astrology, also has its dark side, which is why the first thing I do when I fall in love is grab that person's date of birth! I want to know as a person who is going to treat me after the first bloom of love has worn off the rose. Many of us are familiar with the personality traits of each sign is positive, ie-eg Leo are warm, funny, affectionate, Geminis are ambitious, witty, charming and intelligent, but few of us are aware of the dark side of each sign. Only here, in the psychic realm, we learn the truth about your beloved's personality and what is the absolute worst that can happen ... so be careful because ...
ARIES will tell you what an arrogant loves you, but in the same breath, it should be discarded, because you are getting in the way of his plans for total world domination. It will also leave dirty socks around and burn the toast.
A totalitarian TAURUS pride and boast and bully into submission, but only a little words of sarcasm from you and you'll find it crumpled in a fetal position crying in the wardrobe. Even a bull can not have sex without choosing a first fight.
A GEMINI chat will steal money from you and then help to find him. He will also wild stories about your alleged bisexuality and tell them of his friends. A master of miscommunication, he'll keep at home alone, the telephone, waiting for his call.
Insensitive cancer will give you a gift and then make you pay for it, not with money but with sexual favors, emotional blackmail and pieces of your soul. A kidnapper of experts, using a tumor self-pity and sarcasm to torture his victims and rap in a prison of low self-esttem.
A LAZY LEO will do everything to woo you ... date you, charm you, move in with you, impregnate and spend Christmas dinner with family, but while filling out a job application, even the box that says his status is "single".
VIRGO a vengeful turn your nose to your taste and then slowly begin to mold you into his vision of the perfect woman. You never like him, but if you try to leave, you stalk through the rest of your life trying to return.
A lewd book is the first to say "I love you but I'm not in love with you." You could also pee on my leg and then say it's raining ... As soon as you get the sense he / she are keeping their options open in case someone better comes along ...
An intriguing SCORPIO is voted most likely to try to convince you to have sex without a condom. Later in this report, will also try to convince you that the three-way sex with a prostitute hired is the only way to save your relationship.
Sagittarius A SILLY chase you and woo you until you has pierced with his arrow of love. You'll soon realize your just another coat on the belt this hunter, after he tells all about his plans for his next romantic conquest, shortly after having sex with you.
A CAPRICORN CAPITALISTIC will coldly pretend he loves you, while they are useful to him in terms of social or business relations. This social climber, does not want a girlfriend who wants a parrot rather than the mind of his repeating faithfully what he says ...
An Aquarium ASSININE will go on for hours and hours on the deep connection as soulmates then forget your birthday. Easily distracted by pretty colors and shiny things, this flighty male is easily distracted by other women.
A PIOUS PISCES can only be described as "without Christ, Satan within." This long suffering martyr has a PhD in co-dependency and knows how to reel in women with shiny promises. However, once you take the bait, you are trapped forever in the belly of the beast.
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