Indian astrology is the ancient wisdom found in Atharva Veda 3000 BC back. Indian astrology is based on the relative positions of stars and planets at birth. Mainly the nine planets are assumed to influence the life of a person. This is the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupitor, Saturn and two shadow planets Rahu and Katu. To predict events in a person's life relative positions of these planets are determined and several charts and Dashas are made and calculated. There have been several Rishies giving different accounting systems and prepare these graphs and Dashas. prominent names among them are Parasher Rishi and Varahamihir and many others. It 'pretty hard, even for a completely new study.
Predictions can be made only after the preparation kundl or horoscope. Kundla science has three parts.
Ganit (calculations)
Phalit (forecast)
Ganit includes various calculations. Among their preparation Dashas calculation charts and many other calculations. The graphs are kundl Lagun, Chander Kundl, Navmans kundl Shodesh Verga Kundl and Ashtak kundl Verga and other graphics.
We are told by almost 40 Dashas Parasher Rishi. Main of them are Vimsottary Dasha Dasha and Yogni.
Phalit is the art of prediction. It is a divine knowledge, only few can Lerna and practice. It is based on accurate calculations of graphics and Dashas. The calculations may be accurate if the time of birth is known precisely. Phalit need to know about the various aspects of people's lives such as education, vector, love and marriage, finding a suitable partner for life (Match Making), to find an auspicious time to begin a ceremony (Muhurat) and various other aspects.
Remedies Indian astrology provides several measures to tackle a problem or improve a particular aspect of life such as health, wealth, carrier, peace in the life of remedies, etc. married wearing gems and metals, therapy mantra yantra therapy, rudraksha therapy , upvaas (fasting), Dan (donation), Dharan wider (wearing a certain color), etc.
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