Complex but interesting, Norse mythology is the religion of pre-Christian Danish, Icelandic, Norwegian and Swedish peoples. It 'was rooted mainly from old Icelandic writing known as the' Elder Edda, 'which skálds unknown wrote centuries before the Christianization of the North. This multilayered, often contradictory, and reveals a number of parallels with other myths.
Like any other mythology, Norse mythology has its own version of creation, but before we can easily understand and imagine this, you must know the geography of the world where mythological Norse existed.
* World Geography *
According to Norse mythology, the world was divided into three levels: the higher the East, and lower levels. separate land, which comes from an abyss called Ginnungagap, including every level. They were held together by a large tree, called Ygg-drasil.
The upper layer contained Asgard (The Land of the Aesir), Alfheim (The Land of the Elves) and Vanaheim (land of the Vanir). The average level consisted of Midgard (the land of humans), Jotunheim (The Land of the Giants), Svartalfaheim (The Land of Dark Elves), and Nithavellir (Land of Dwarves). The lower floor had Muspell (The Land of Fire) and Niflheim (the land of ice and dead).
* Creation of the World *
= The Land of Fire and Ice =
Initially Ginnungagap chasm separated Muspell and Niflheim. When it finally closed, fire and ice meet and combine to form a cow and the first giant named Ymir. The cow, Auðumla, survived by licking the salty ice blocks; Ymir depended on her for food. Licked by ice emerged the first human being, Bur, who has a son named Bor. Ymir, in turn, produced the first Frost Giant male and female sweat under the left armpit, the couple left the rest of the Frost Giants. Bor later married Bestla giant named Frost, who gave birth to three sons: Odin, Vili and Ve.
Odin created = World =
With the help of his brothers, Odin killed the cruel Ymir. Bloodshed that the body of the Giant consequently killed most of the frost giants. Odin created the world from the corpse of Ymir, the sea from the blood, the flesh from the earth, the sky from his skull, bones the mountains, and trees from his hair. This kingdom became known as the Midgard-half the world, the land of humans. Ymir's eyebrows served as a protective fence of Midgard. In the sea surrounding Midgard inhabited Jormunganð the snake, whose enormous length was sufficient to circumscribe the world average by putting its tail in its mouth.
Then the Dwarves Were Born = =
From rotting meat giant Ymir appeared a swarm of maggots, which, with the gods decree 'has acquired something partly human and understanding. Known as the Dwarves lived in Nithavellir deep in Earth caves, tunnels and mines.
= And so it was Ygg-drasil =
From Ymir's corpse was also born the great ash tree called Ygg-drasil, whose branches overshadowed the whole world. Ygg-drasil had three roots of each going to the world three levels. Three springs supplied the roots with water. A root found its way into Asgard, another in Jotunheim, and the last in Niflheim.
= = Odin built Asgard
At the center of the world, Odin and his brothers built Asgard, which became the stronghold of the gods and their relatives.
* CHARACTERS other essential elements in Norse mythology *
The Aesir were a race of gods who came from Odin. Although they have lived longer than humans have been fatal. Were the gods of conscience who inhabited the sky.
Baldur was the son of Odin and Frigg. His twin brother, Höðr accidentally killed because of trickery of Loki.
Frigg was the wife of Odin. Their union has taken away all the gods who inhabited Asgard.
Loki was the son of a couple giant. He must live in Jotunheim, but when he was young, Odin tricked into allowing him to stay in Asgard and eventually became known as the god of evil.
Mimir was the brother of the mother of Odin, Bestla. He was the wisest of all beings, and guardian of knowledge. From him came the Elves essay.
Thor is the eldest son of Frigg and Odin. The god of thunder, has long ruled the world. He was famous for his hammer called Mjolnir, who returned to his hand every time he threw it. With mighty Mjolnir Thor killed many giants.
Vali was the son of Odin was born to avenge the death of Baldur's brother.
The Vanir were a race of gods associated with fertility, prosperity, and eroticism. Njord, Freyr and Freyja was the progenitor of this breed. Regarded as the goddess of earth and biological life, the Vanir were more polite and more interested in questions of nature than the Aesir. After a long war between them, both races resolved peacefully, and finally shared with the other Asgard.
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