Thursday, March 1, 2012

The clock and your cup of coffee

This is what I watch your shows?:

06:30 - coffee brewing. The rich aroma confirms the day started. Time to take a cup and participate.

09:40 - A break during the day. If the day is monotonous or hectic your coffee break tells you that time moves forward.

12:30 - lunch time and time off the clock. A fellow worker joins you in the dining room where you point to hash the hassle of the day, talk your family and discuss your plans for the annual holiday. Lunch twenty down with a cup of Joe.

03:00 - The afternoon is neither beginning nor end. A cup of coffee is just what you need to get a boost. Taking a moment to chat with a fellow worker at the coffee is not bad.

20:00 - Meeting with friends for dinner is a great way to end the day. Drinks, some Appy and a good meal with a lingering conversation over coffee makes for a good final.

Your days go something like this? Coffee keeping your day planned?

AS WE drink?

With Americans drink 300 million cups of coffee every day, not surprising that our day, and our social interactions are often associated with having a cup of coffee.

The coffee trend of 'specialty' has only added to our national pastime.

The SCAA (Specialty Coffee Association of America) reports that consumption of specialty coffee DAILY increased from 9% of the adult population in 2000 to 16% in 2004. occasional indulgence is an impressive 56%!

Sales of coffee alone (without buying the sales of seeds) was a whopping $ 8.47 billion in 2003!

We stop here? No. We take these beans to prepare at home as well - and so our cycle goes on.

It brings up the question:

If it were not for coffee - is the ticking clock? Would stop watches? How can we get from one point in the day to day with nothing to measure time passing?

What about non-drinkers?

Whether you personally feel that coffee controls the day may be useful for you to take a moment and reflect on how our society is evolving into a coffee Established routines rather than just a drink.

This leaves out non-drinkers? Has replaced smoking as the coffee social connection? Clearly, the dangers are not the same, but the dependence could be. Just to be sure, why not replace the coffee with another drink decaf or even the occasional odd - you'll enjoy the social aspects as much as the drink in hand!

And by the way ... stop watching the clock!

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