Many people try to complain that Valentine's Day is just a "Hallmark holiday" dreamed of by companies seeking to profit from the desperate masses seeking love. However, nothing could be further from the truth. Valentine's Day traces its history back to ancient Rome, long before these companies started to look to their bottom line.
In ancient Rome, February 14 was declared to be a party for Juno, queen of all gods and goddesses Roman. Boys and girls were segregated throughout the year would come together and draw names from a jar, and that coupled with the person chosen for all the Festival of Lupercalia. Often, because of these associations, the couple would fall in love, and sometimes marry.
There are many legends about how Valentine's Day came to be at this point in ancient Rome. Some believe that Valentine's Day helped the prisoners to escape harsh Roman prisons, and so was imprisoned by the Roman Empire. This legend goes that while in prison, Valentine fell in love with his jailer's daughter, and began to send her love letters written signed "From your Valentine."
The prevailing legend is that Valentine was a Roman priest who began to secretly marry couples against the direct orders of Emperor Claudius II. Claudio believed it was in difficulty of recruiting soldiers for his immense army, because young people did not want to leave their girlfriends at home. To combat this problem, said that both engagements and marriages were illegal. Valentine was eventually executed for his violation of orders of Claudius', but his spirit has lived all over Rome.
When the fall of the Roman Empire and the Church became more widespread throughout medieval Europe, have abolished all pagan rites and ceremonies, including the Festival of Lupercalia. However, people did not want to give up their traditions of boys drawing the names of the girls'. Therefore, the Church has declared February 14 to be a party to celebrate Valentine's Day, the priest who secretly married many couples.
However, the boys were then told to draw the names of saints instead of girls. The children were then to emulate the life of their saint chosen for the following year. People have continued this for a short period of time, and then returned to the choice of names for girls, instead of the saints.
By the 15th century, St. Valentine's Day was celebrated with the fans singing their romantic feelings for their elected officials. People often wrote sonnets and love poems of others to give their romantic interests. By the end of this century, these sonnets were written on paper decorated and became the first Valentine's Day. In fact, the oldest surviving Valentine's Day was written in 1415 by the Duke of Orleans to his wife. It 'was written while he was imprisoned in the Tower of London and is on display at the British Museum in London.
Soon, the marks Valentine's Day became known for their unique properties. Fraktur Valentines were known for their ornate, written in medieval style. A piece of paper was folded and cut into an elaborate, lace motif for Valentine's Day crop. Puzzle Purse Valentine were complex puzzle of folded paper, which allows different portions of the Valentine's Day to be displayed at different times. Oilpaper stencils were used to paint Theoren Valentines. And Valentine's Day were made by pinprick, of course, a stinging piece of paper several times to turn the paper into a kind of lace.
By the 18th century, Valentine's Day has become extremely popular in Great Britain and the fans have started exchanging token gifts along with their valentine cards. Among the common people, this gift was often a small cake that could be achieved with small funds. In the upper classes, the gifts became more and more extravagant, and included a large box of chocolates, candies, and even jewelry.
In 1840, Esther A. Howland started his own production company in San Valentino in the United States. It became known as the Mother of the Valentine's card manufacturing beautiful colored paper, lace, and decorated letters. By the late 19th century, Valentine's Day were produced in factories in Norcross, later known as Hallmark.
These factory-produced valentines has grown to encompass more than just a declaration of undying love and devotion. As society changed and moved away from formal courtship, The Valentines began to cover the lighter messages with humor and affection. This Valentine's Day has become more widely accepted as people expanded their circle of friends and comrades.
Today, Valentine's Day is celebrated as a holiday honoring the novel. Boys and girls no longer collect the names of a vessel, but instead Valentine's Day message exchange a sign of affection. In the tradition of Britain, the children often exchange small cakes, while lovers of adults give each other large cases of sweets and gifts.
The exact origins of Valentine's Day are somewhat murky, there is no doubt that it is not just a holiday from modern times. Instead, it's an opportunity to honor both the history and modernity, romance and affection.
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