Saturday, June 30, 2012

About Guru - The Liberator

Life is a mystery. The cosmos is a mystery. What are its boundaries? If it's an expanding universe, where it is expanding? What is behind it. Some stars are millions of light years away from us. What an unimaginable distance! What's in the cosmos? Who did it? When you form? What was there before it was formed?

Who are we? I am a body with a name? So as some people have luck and some bad? Why do some children get cancer at a very young age and some people with all the bad habits of living a healthy life for a long period of time? What we intended to do on this earth. Where we come from and where we go?

Why is there so much suffering in the world? Why some people love and hate a little '? What is that which satisfies us? What is the goal of human life? There are so many questions in our minds. Every religion has its theory and its explanation. In India, it is believed that Guru is the only one who can answer all these questions.

Who is the Guru? According to Indian scriptures, the Guru is God in the human body. He comes to earth to free followers. A Guru is not to be confused with people who write well or speak well Indian mythology and philosophy. They can be called as people learned good or good speakers or writers of books. But none of them is the guru.

The west has always been attracted to Hinduism. Many branches of Hinduism including Yoga is becoming very popular in the West. Many trips to India, west to lecture on Hinduism and scriptures of India, and many people call them as Guru. This is the misuse of the word Guru. Guru is very mysterious.

How to know that someone is Guru? After coming in contact with the Guru, you must feel a change that is life altering. Change is not something like that - I feel good, or I feel comfortable. But Guru brings about changes that can never be explained to you for others. If at any time, you meet Guru, we know from these changes, and then in a period of time, the Guru will reveal his identity to you. This depends on his will.

No one should take every saint in India as a Guru. There are very few in the world. According to Indian scriptures, only if you have collected a lot of good karma, you get Guru. I can only make a statement. Experience the power of Guru is very different from anything else. And in principle, the experience can be very painful and not pleasant. But in the end is pure bliss.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Where is the Chinese alphabet?

In each month, more than 10,000 people try the "Chinese alphabet" on the internet.

Question is:

The Chinese language has an alphabet?

If yes, where is it?

Why can not I "see" this?

To answer these questions, let's look at how Chinese writing evolved over the centuries.

Initially, the company created symbols to refer to simple things.

Symbols are signs and images that refer to real objects.

The first symbols that represented things seemed.

For example, the symbol for "bird" like a bird.

Same goes for "mountain" and "tree", "Rain," "child", "knife", "boat".

Over time, the company grew and became increasingly complex.

Of course, the meanings of visual symbols changed.

Symbols not only synonymous with physical things, but for more abstract things as well.

As a "sunrise", "friend", "pray", "play", "safe" year ", etc.

Took shape as a culture, a written language, consisting of letters (ie the alphabet) was invented.

A sound was attached to each letter as a string of letters could be pronounced.

The symbols were replaced by words and phrases as the primary means of communication.

Usually, this is what happened with the written languages.

Not so with the Chinese language.

A Chinese alphabet has never been invented.

Rather, the evolution of the Chinese language took a special turn:

Instead of visual symbols being replaced by a written language of letters, symbols themselves became the written language.

That's why there is no Chinese alphabet.

One reason is that the Chinese language is tonal.

This means that there are several tones and each tone means a different thing.

For example, there are four tones in Mandarin.

Cantonese has six tones.

In addition, the words with the same tones often have different meanings.

And their meaning can not be that clear from the context of the sentence.

This unique feature of the Chinese language gives rise to "visual puns".

The interplay of phonetics (ie sounds) and puns often reveal the hidden meanings of symbols or Chinese characters.

Phonetics and puns give clues to the hidden meaning of images.

Here's a picture of a fish is an expression of "abundance" because the Chinese word for "fish" 鱼 yu2 has the same sound as "wealth" yu2 余.

This is an example of a "visual pun" and there are a lot of them in Chinese.

It 's easy to see why there is no such thing as a "full Chinese alphabet" or "Chinese alphabet".

Or why the Chinese alphabet is "missing".

An alphabet consists of a small number of letters (eg 26 in English) that make all the words in the spoken language.

There are no letters in Chinese writing.

only thousands of individual symbols or characters each with their specific sound (s) and meanings.

Since there are no letters in Chinese it naturally follows there is no Chinese alphabet.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

The salmon in Northwest Native Indian Artwork and Culture

There are several species of salmon in the Pacific Northwest. These are the Coho, Sockeye, Pink, Chum, Atlantic and the largest is the King or Chinook. Salmon are born in the rivers and swim to the sea where they live in salt water. At the time of playback, return to the river where they were born, lay eggs and then die. The young hatch and start the life cycle over again. Salmon have always been an important food source for the Northwest Native Indian pillar as much wildlife in the region, including many large birds, bears and river otters. This is why the salmon is a popular subject of art and Northwest Native Indian culture.

According to the Northwest Native Indian legend, salmon were actually people with superhuman abilities, and life everlasting. People lived in large houses Salmon under the ocean, but they knew that human beings need to land on food, have offered themselves for the tribe to land fish as food to become salmon. Their spirit had returned back to the ocean where they were born. A tribe on earth was short of food, why the salmon came to their waters. But people have heard of the Salmon. So the chief sent an expedition to find these people of salmon in order to ask them to come to their waters. After several days of travel, the shipment arrived in a new land where people were Salmon. The head of the Salmon people ordered four of their villagers to go to sea where they became salmon soon as the water reached their faces. He ordered others to recover these new fish salmon which were then cooked like a welcome party for guests in the shipment.

The chief told the guests to eat as much, but the bones of fish, salmon, even the smaller ones, should not be thrown out. All bones of salmon were collected from the villagers after the guests were quite careful to lay them in piles. Salmon, people then threw these bones back into the water. A few minutes later, the four individuals who originally turned into a salmon fish reappeared and joined the others.

In the coming days, guests watched the people repeat this process Salmon salmon with the bones over and over again. However, during a party later, one of the guests of the expedition secretly retained a few salmon bones. This time, when a person is back from out of the water salmon, was covering his face and said some of the bones may be missing because her cheeks were gone. Another said he was missing his chin. Alarmed by what had happened, the guest has brought out the bones missing salmon had previously withheld. The two salmon with missing body parts and then return to sea with these bones. On their return to the earth, both the Salmon people had their bodies back to full strength.

The expedition has asked the chief to leave some of its people visit their waters and Salmon rivers to supply enough food. The chief agreed to do so as long as the tribes have decided to reject all the salmon bones in water so that people could return home intact Salmon. If this was not observed, the tribe was told that the people refuse to return to Salmon in the waters of the tribe. So the tribe always honored the return of their salmon streams each year, and complied with the rules established by the people of Salmon head. This ensured an adequate food supply for the tribe each year.

An interesting fact is that when white men arrived in the region, the Northwest Native Indian people did not want to sell their salmon. It was feared that the salmon not be treated with respect by white men who were ignorant of the necessary customs and regulations laid down by the people of Salmon.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Celebrate Chinese New Year

January 29, 2006 is the first day of Chinese New Year, and is signed by the new moon of the Chinese lunar calendar. Year 4703 is the year of the dog, but you can celebrate with a party theme Asia or eastern theme each day of the year.

Chinese New Year celebrations are a traditional part of ancient Chinese culture and the colors and symbols of Chinese culture makes planning and decoration easy. Just follow these simple step-by-step instructions and know how to throw a party that will bring Asian-themed Chinese New Year joy into the lives of your friends and family.

Step 1: Planning

1. Send invitations.

Two weeks before his party to send the invitations. Remember to indicate on the invitation that this is an Asian-themed party and guests must wear the official colors of Chinese culture - red and gold! As the host, you want to be decked out in finery all your Asian theme - choose from a tangerine satin red hat or a straw hat East. Accessorize your outfit with a fan for a traditional floral look really fun!

2. Select a menu.

Decide when, where and how you're going to serve food. China is known for its culinary and unless your family owns a Chinese restaurant, you should make plans to help carry out favorites such as fried chicken, mix, beef and pork. For authenticity, provide chopsticks for your guests to use. Looks like they have a good time to figure out the correct way to eat with them. Do not forget to finish your meal with fortune cookies.

3. Asian Theme Party Decorations and Atmosphere

A party without music is like the China Town shopping without money. Make the mood come alive by appropriate theme music playing softly in the background. We recommend the soundtrack of our favorite movie "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", to begin, then kicks into high gear later with the sounds of "Kill Bill", "Kung Foo Fighting", "Wang Chug" and "One Night in Bangkok ".

paper lanterns hang from the ceiling from the corners of the room, working toward the center. Given the lanterns glow attaching some white Christmas lights for them and winding wires together to create a "under the stars" effect. The lights should be dimmed, but not too dark you can not read the banner Chinatown along the wall.

Step 2: The Party

1. Arrival of guests:

Welcome guests and give each one a hat or a fan of mandarin flower upon arrival. These favors are cheap and go a long way in making the mood for your Asian theme party come alive.

Guests can bring a table with a name and highlighters. Instruct guests to write their names and their name tags on the Chinese astrological signs. (Having a tablecloth Chinese restaurant in the hand for reference if necessary.) Not only do these name tags to tie in perfectly with the decor, but also provide introductions and instant conversation starters.

2. Games and activities:

* China and Asia-themed party Jeopardy curiosity about the lover, or for more than a sit-down type of party.

* For children and adults are more adventurous, a game of "Catch the Dragon's Tail" can be enjoyed. Guests lined in a row to get their hands on the shoulders of people in front of them. The first person is the head of dragons and the last person is the tail. The head tries to catch the tail without the guests in the body of the dragon to come loose. Children can take turns being the head dragons.

Step 3: Wrap Up Party

Time favors and prizes! Some ideas are:

* Metallic Fetti Swishers - are gold and fit your theme.

* A red envelope with small amounts of money in - It 's a Chinese tradition and can bring good luck.

* Chinese finger traps.

* Snap and Pops - safe and fun than firecrackers ward off evil spirits.

Step 4: Clean Up

Usually the host is on its own when it comes to clean, unless you assemble a small team of employees ahead of time. Part cleaning can be made easier if you use paper plates and plastic utensils.

"Gung Hay Fat Choy!" (Happy New Year!)

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

What is the tribal mind?

What is the tribal mind?
How Does It in your life?

Have you ever heard of
The phenomenon of the hundredth monkey?

There are several versions of this scientific research project and typically enough, in human terms as part of the divided outcome of this research. The common version is this: a small female monkey began washing potatoes in the sea in order to get the sand off its food grains. Some other monkeys in his group has followed suit.

When monkey mind mass-energy vibrational large enough, suddenly on several islands that surround them other monkeys began the same behavior - even if the groups had no direct contact with one another.

This was considered 'the hundredth monkey phenomenon' by researchers who have testified. Following theory suggests that when an idea from a monkey became invisible amplified by the group mind, was received by another group in mind the surrounding areas.

In further research of this study, we find that the original story pales in comparison to the stories of lives that abound. However, it is our hypothesis that the 'consciousness' in all species do not evolve only through the mass of thought, but through the identified physical and behavioral interaction with others.

The consciousness of these individuals to share and expand based on the innate capacity of every individual to 'receive' information. This means that not all evolve at the same time but, rather, evolving souls who are awakening, take a leadership role in defining subtle perception extended by 'evidence' to be expanded Ness.

From a metaphysical point of view, all species evolve the same way, including humans because we are all energetically connected. As you move into human consciousness, so some others around him. In the last analysis multiply and applied throughout the world, this is how humanity evolves slowly.

Authentic psychic research feeds the idea that the foam is actually a very natural and real next step in our evolutionary process. When we begin to educate ourselves with regard to our feelings and intuition, we begin to redirect our thoughts and refocus our energies towards showing in the truest sense, our deepest desires.

When all you can begin to see that gifting is a psychic ability to divine and innate in all of us, change our behavior automatically biased toward each other because we immediately understand how our thoughts and actions toward all other directly influence our experiences. The hundredth monkey syndrome can simply look at the invisible aspects of ourselves that 'push us' to act and behave outwardly in a certain way. When we become aware of the energies that we are issuing to others and our environment, we begin to consciously control the energy in a more masterful.

As each comes to understand the nature of the gift in relation to human sensory body bio-energy, each is a place of self-empowerment. To be clear, focused and aware of how you send and receive energy is to be a master of his destiny. It establishes the creative soul on a path of true soul pioneer ship in space rather than lose in a sea of chaos and limit linear mindset tribal consciousness.

tribal mind is a very real energy that is moving. mass hysteria in times of war or mass panic in the event of natural disasters like the tsunami and Katrina are common examples of the tribal energy of the mind when it moves in one direction, and en force. As the energy builds, the bodies bio-energy of every human being engulfed starts to match that move. Energy Fear, panic and chaos become very real emotions felt and experienced by many.

As more people begin to learn their souls are unique mass caused by certain global events, they can begin a process of dis-egaging the tribal mind, even when disasters strike, apparently. This process allows a dis-engagement 'soul walk through situations that might seem difficult to others but could not really be all that difficult. This is the path that millions of guruhood many are beginning to take over the methods for the rehabilitation of the physical body to remain calm and centered, no matter what. Methods such as yoga, meditation and rebirthing / breathing techniques to help stabilize the body so that bio-energy are not so easily moved by the tribal mind.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

A metaphysical exploration of love

What Is Love?

Scientifically speaking, how does it transform our lives? Why is it so difficult to exercise and understand? How to physically apply for human life? Because we are all constantly take it?

Love is an invisible, Intelligent Energy Cosmic vibrational shifts Human Consciousness

Love is misunderstood as a property of life that most people can only partially understand how to move circumstances in our daily lives.

Emerging from the research community is a key global metaphysical very important to understand how our souls are connected to our lives and how our lives depend on frequencies much love for our growth in consciousness.

Now we are just beginning to understand exactly how to make love like an invisible property of life, actually feeds the human soul and helps in the whole development. Love exists as a music and light frequency. It carries information about our invisible souls throughout the universe and our connection with everything that exists. When our physical cells hold more than one frequency or light, the cells operate at a much higher level of intelligent awareness. Changes in whole body and behavior of an individual, also change. Changes in blood and becomes more 'light'.

We have become so deprogrammed sourcing and reconcile this intangible energy of life support from within our body that 'love' the word itself because many dimensions of human misunderstanding. Metaphysically investigating the human energy system allows us to see just what the emotion-based thinking and how these thoughts lead us to behave in a distorted way or unloving.

For our social growth, it is extremely important for each of us to be able to understand how deep energy and life-changing love is the instrument when properly channeled through our bodies. More importantly, the understanding of how these energies work in our individual body helps us understand why our societies are so discordant and disturbing.

Currently our education system lacks comprehensive training support for the emotional part of the human soul. And 'this portion of the human body system that seeks connection with the exercise behavioral eternal love and unity with others. emotional energy, like all other known properties of life is an invisible life-support system of mathematics coded vibrational frequencies. What we emit from our bodies and exchange of life energy has an important building.

Our educational systems fall seriously short in the area to teach us how light (in color) and vibrations (sound) actually make up our physical world and how love (cohesive energy) puts it all together. As a result we have lost our ability to see each other in our true forms as beings of light. We have forgotten not only the value of energy and emotional influences that we have each other we have completely misunderstood how these human energies actually create our world events.

When it comes to remembering how to decipher the human vibrational consciousness that all human issues, we are completely lost. At best we get in tune with the mood of a room and realize that something is slightly out of place, but can not figure out who is emitting what and who is out of balance unless we talk to each other.

Consequently, and as a result of our disconnected state to the vibrational frequencies of love that we have created more companies that stifle our very natural and spontaneous expressions of emotion-based creativity. We witness this distortion energy as a pure love suffering around the world, corruption, human or animal terror.

There are many small ways in which systems we live in crushing the creative expression and the natural growth of the soul, which is a divine right given to each of us to the birth experience. To understand ourselves as creative beings of light that we must first understand what we were created from light. It 's the key to understanding our purpose identified soul, our psychic senses, our capacity to love and our responsibility in terms of co-creation of a peaceful coexistence among all human races.

Part of this long-term research in the psychological recovery process data is designed to bring the everyday human reality grand metaphysical concepts so that anyone wanting to know can access these concepts and begin to fall off the darker aspects of their lives if they so wish evolve beyond the belief that they now live.

Bringing to light the profound value of metaphysical information gives us the tools to permanently dissolve the emotional ties that we call human suffering. This is not just a utopian concept. And 'in fact the foundation that underscores our deep cosmic reality of the entire surface world.

By hiding our weaknesses and errors is not the answer. Greater openness to the truth is more expanded. And touching soul knowledge is the key to our healing as a race. Psychic Science is the same path that many have sought to investigate the creation and evolution of the human soul. This is a fascinating field of research and all throughout our website we share with you some of the most profound discoveries in this field.

We are all psychic. We all have the talent much more than we consciously use. Metaphysical education allows every person the chance to see what their thoughts and actions create the reality that physically and emotionally to face every day of their lives. When it all comes down to it most simply human beings care about their basic needs temporary. Love is like the root from which each of us creates ultimately in life. The lack of it, losing it, they need and desire for it are all called soul each of us feels inside. E 'part of us. It flows through us. We are made from it and then we are.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

6 ways of forming Chinese characters

Did you know that there are only 6 ways of forming Chinese characters?

Yes, 6 types of Chinese characters make up the 50,000 Chinese characters in existence today.

Amazing is not it?

This shows that there is a logical system of symbols used to create Chinese characters. That are not only made up of random lines and strokes.

Once you know these 6 types of Chinese characters, you will find that learning Chinese writing is not so difficult after all.

Ah, another thing ...

The "radical"

No, they have nothing to do with extremists or terrorists.)

They are the "root elements" of Chinese characters. The meaning part of Chinese characters. There are 214 of them and they exist independently or as part of complex characters.

Once a general idea of the common radicals, you can guess the meaning of Chinese characters.

Modern Chinese dictionaries are organized by radicals - starting with the radicals of one stroke, two, three and so on, and Hanyu Pinyin, the romanization system of modern China.

Knowing the radicals and the 6 ways of forming Chinese characters, you can almost guess the meaning and the sound of Chinese characters.

So, what are the 6 ways of forming Chinese characters?

The first Chinese characters about 4,000 years ago were shaped like the things they represented. Known as "pictograms", these were the images of humans, animals and natural objects, such as the "Sun", "mother", "bird", "food", etc.

There are only 300 more pictograms but they form the building blocks of modern Chinese writing.

To create more words, symbols were added to form a pictogram "ideograms". For example, adding a horizontal stroke, "timber" has become "root" and "mouth" has become "sweet".

Later, two or more pictographs were combined to form "composite characters". It is "more sense meaning" words. For example, "man" added 人 "tree" 木 forms the Chinese character "rest" 休 - a man leaning against a tree. And three characters for "wood" 木 森 together to make a "forest".

This way of forming Chinese characters showing the creativity of the ancient Chinese, but could not produce a lot of Chinese characters easily.

"Characters borrowed" came into being. This means that a Chinese character with the same sound as another was borowed to form new characters without regard to its meaning.

The result? New characters with the same sound but different meanings are formed. For example, the Chinese character for 北 "north" showed two people "back to back" and originally meant just that.北 The original character was borrowed to represent a direction, while the sound remained unchanged.

But what happened to the original meanings of these characters borrowed? In order to retain their original meaning, a meaning component was added to the sound component. Then, using the same example, the character that means "back to back" was given a "flesh" 背 component so it can retain its original meaning.

As a result, "sound meaning" or phonetic compounds were formed. These are the Chinese characters with some audio and some of its meaning. Today, this type of Chinese characters make up 80% of Chinese characters in use.

The last type of Chinese characters is called character transferred.

Transferred characters share the same root and have the same meaning but their pronunciations are different. This is the least important of the 6 ways of forming Chinese characters.

So early Chinese characters were created based on meaning alone and started the photo.

Eventually, each Chinese character has become "a unity of sound and meaning," as we have today.

But it remains possible to guess the meaning of Chinese characters meaning the component, the radicals.

Friday, June 22, 2012

The origin of some traditions of Valentine's day

Ahh, Valentine's Day. It is February 14 each, and people all over the country stop and pick up a dozen roses compulsory piece of jewelry or box of chocolates. But have you ever wondered about some of the early traditions of Valentine's Day? And no, Valentine's Day was not created by department stores to get men to spend more on jewelry.

For example, in the Middle Ages, men and women draws names to see who were their Valentine's Day. Then next week, would wear these names on their sleeves. Now wear your heart on your sleeve means that it is easy for other people to know your feelings.

Wales carved wooden love spoons were given as gifts on Valentine's Day. The decorations were the most popular hearts, locks and keys. The decoration meant, "You unlock my heart."

In some countries, a young woman would receive a gift of clothing from a young man. If she kept the gift, saying she wanted to marry him.

It was believed that if a woman saw a robin flying on Valentine's Day would marry a sailor. If she saw a sparrow, who had married a poor man and be very happy. And if she saw a goldfinch, she had to marry a millionaire.

And have you ever wondered where the tradition of giving cards started? The first Valentine was sent by the Duke of Orleans after being captured in 1415. He left his wife. Commercially, Valentine's Day has been produced by Esther Howland in 1840. He sold $ 5,000 in cards during her first year, an incredible amount of money right now. Today, more than one billion Valentine's are sent each year to teachers, children, wives and girlfriends, and are mostly purchased by women.

Giving flowers on Valentine's Day can be traced back to 1700 in Sweden, when Charles II brought the Persian poetical art called "The language of flowers" to Europe. Throughout the 18th century, floral lexicons were published, allowing an entire conversation takes place with a bunch of flowers.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Psychic Ability & Connect to you!

Over the past two decades, many aspects of metaphysical data have begun to sit prominently amongst the shelves of the world. Before this sudden incoming of meta-information, there are simply not been standardized systems of public education available to make the recovery process of mental and exchange easily or generally understood.

One of the main reasons why it is so difficult to understand the complete picture of our universe is immaterial that, until recently, information-psychological killed had not fully emerged enough for researchers able to create 'education systems comprehendible' to wide dissemination of such information.

In our current structure of global education, to the pioneers and researchers to teach the masses new concepts of life, a formula for teaching or an educational institution must first be created. educational facilities can not fully manifest itself in society until they were a little 'physical evidence', because the mass of humanity at present (except for those who believe such faith) perceptually only accepts the reality of our life through 'physical evidence' of it.

This presents a problem when it comes to spreading educatively esoteric and intangible property of life. The dual nature of human perception automatically and without any hesitation, throw the container in a general search intangible called 'studies of faith'. This habit is unconscious and automatic humanity to ignore the profound significance of its history meta-physical limits further research on the full metaphysical fusion in our mass consciousness.

The metaphysical field of research and the psychological process of data recovery takes time, as well as a huge level of meticulous care, which must be applied to this research, in order to maintain perceptually 'whole and entire' contents. This information must be kept free of the duality of hand, linear human mind, if these structures are ultimately and actually contain, as a basis of unitary proposal 'live-reality' in our society. To apply the dualistic perception of the equation of 'great mystery' of information simply dilutes multi-dimensional concepts and twists in limiting the humanity that keeps repeating behavior linked to the now two-tier practices.

In laymen's terms, human beings dualistic practice behaviors such as love / hate, giving / theft or push / pull, which are all dualistic perceptions of our reality. We internally that these concepts are the very basis of creative life and, therefore, continue to emerge from within those beliefs. These beliefs are then acted out each other and therefore each of us has a hand in maintaining our world is tied to a dualistic reality when we are in fact unified creatures bound by a unified and cohesive energetic Universe.

In laymen's terms, each of us functions from this place to be invisible energetic ness before. The energy of the universe is part of us and that is what we are all connected energetically. Many people call this God. Whatever and however we choose to call each of us perceives it, is the source of our innate psychic abilities of detection. Our entire physical reality is formed by the first post of this energy that we are all designed and links. That is why the psychical researchers can now state emphatically that everyone has some level of psychic talent and detection.

Long-term research metaphysics has been conducting a lot of psychic information retrieved from the mountains around the world who simply can not have been orchestrated or manipulated by any single human subject created. No human society is created, power plant, financial institution or political organization has been able to contain the 'simultaneous process' of millions of human beings who are naturally evolving and opening up to accept and activate their divine heritage psychic. gifting psychic is just a basket of gifts inherent multi-sensory data from our heritage as people very universal and co-creation of souls.

We all have some psychic ability, whether you actively choose to acknowledge it or not. We can easily see how the energy as can be seen as emotionally. We can all feel a bad vibration in one room, but can not always see the visual atmosphere. But our educational Societally accepted were omitted lessons about intuition and psychic detection through the use of all five senses, creates a complete picture of our reality of life. As long as we shut 'sensitive heart' for example, and are mainly based on visual / brain sensing will continue to create from a place of only one of five main sensory tools we have.

How does ignoring the other four main ways to help maintain our physical reality in a state of ecological, spiritual and emotional 'imbalance'? These are only five senses we recognize and acknowledge. What about all the other detection tools in our possession, laying dormant? How can we successfully integrate the senses that as premonitions, déjà vu, and contemporary thought with our friends and family in activities Societally accepted?

In days of old, sensed the psychic researchers and spent most of their time simply culling, collecting and translating the data received. This process has been reserved by nature, because it was not an acceptable time publicly. It 'was carefully removed from persons who have blood drive to seek more than what initially had been taught about life. Without pioneers in human and animals, the world does not evolve. In the days of the past, there have been nominated for a grand prize for the job. We do not see too many authentic psychic researchers with enormous monetary rewards throughout our history, than the 'reality celebs' where most human beings who have not done anything meaningful for mankind, have been awarded more than money or broad immediate recognition through a TV reality show of late.

Since it takes years for our scientists in world business and pharmacologists in their laboratories to find cures for our microscopic disease, because we can not afford 'the same space and time' for such a scientific process to be applied to the field of metaphysical and psychological research? The answer is very simple.

The human consciousness of the masses is not yet ready to fully accept the responsibility to be guardians of life, co-creative for the planet and its creatures. Humanity for the most part, still enjoys his early childhood. He wants what he wants when he wants, and this behavior reflected in need of billions of individualized 'beings' humans has nothing to do with the unified consciousness or spiritual behavior has evolved. Those billion people, acting in a cohesive, linear dualistic thinking, keep the world in stasis and a plateau of non-development. The growth and evolution are then left to the conscience of the planet and its species, along with a few million human souls pioneers, who are always 'aware' of their connection with all that exists. Meanwhile, billions of human infants play in a sandbox perceptual ignorance with high walls that prevent most of them to see and hear beyond what is immediately in front of them.

Where does each of you to register in the sea of human consciousness? You wake up, immediately think of social issues, humanitarian projects and assist the plant kingdom or animal to immediately focus on the bills, getting the kids to school and get through 'work' for the week so you can spend your money on on weekends? What each of you focus your thoughts on inside? How are your internal thoughts keep it limited sandbox human reality and far from the truth, full of life co-creation with the planet and its many creatures conscious?

The odds are strong that if you made it through this article, we are pioneering in nature or at least they are looking to experience a greater life and are not satisfied with everything you have been taught by other human beings. Chances are, you are the soul of the mission that has been deliberately chosen to help mankind in its growth in consciousness.

In this period of human history, there are millions of souls to awaken and internally currently working to 'activate' this inner psychic intuitive knowledge. The mass flocking to yoga retreats and meditation is part of an aspect of human mass consciousness that wants to grow and accept new responsibilities. The concepts of co-creation are beginning to take hold in the minds of many of these souls. These souls, in turn, are beginning to act behavior, more unified. They are setting the new course of education for the masses to follow one day.

It is up to each individual to go inside, take the special knowledge and keeps taking it forward into the world to share with others. A pioneer among a mass mind that instant celebrity fantasies less demonstration of leadership, humanitarian or educational value, and promotes economic profit over the full service for others is a difficult task at this time. But over time, the pioneers begin to see a change occurs in the receptivity and ultimately to the psychic reality and the responsibility of co-creator become the norm. Until then, the pioneers are expected to toe the mark, without much recognition and applause. But then, this is what I initially guessed that would have been required to do!

Each of us makes a choice in this world is to consciously act in a unified way, unconsciously or act old dualistic mind training that reflects not only the light aspects of life, but also active aspects of our dark sides. Everyone is asked to go inside and think about all our actions towards others that we have met and interacted with our lives. Many are beginning to consider usual patterning and energy and emotional demands that seem impossible to control 'self'. Where are these seemingly destructive behavior coming from? How can we do as stewards of the balance of power with the light Universe destructive energies that our experience of daily life reflects a walk-balanced between the two? This is the real challenge of leadership psychic, the pioneers and the new awakening. Where does your soul in the mix so far?

human mass consciousness has many vibrational levels of 'awareness' and operation 'non-awareness' within it. The layers interact with many of the dualistic models of participation and energy that are deeply exercised at this time are what keep our physical reality linked to a non-harmonious experience. Human evolution is a very slow process. Every soul is responsible for thought, word and deed and every thought word and deed issued by a soul has direct impact on energy co-creative physical manifestation of our 'living reality'. psychic ability belongs to every human being on the planet Earth at this time. This is an inherent aspect of our energetic connection and cap to be. It belongs to and is part of us all.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The origin of Easter

The origin of Easter has a couple of different possibilities. First of all, Easter is primarily regarded as a pagan festival. Most of the old religions have different celebrations for different seasons throughout the year. The origin of the Easter celebrations held within the effected during or around the spring equinox.

Coincidentally or not, depending on who you want to believe, Jesus is said to have died and been reborn in less the same dates. There are some people who believe that the origins of Easter date back much further than this for Jesus and the church at the time thought it would be a good idea to convert the pagan celebration in Christianity. This is not the first time this had been done, for example Valentine's Day was also converted one of these pagan festivals.

Perhaps Christians have decided that it would be a good idea to turn these days that Jesus died and was reborn, instead of Attis. In this way, the pagan people would still be able to celebrate Easter and have their parties, but would not do so in a way that was disapproved by the church.

The myth of Attis came centuries before Jesus and were very powerful for the people of those times. They felt they had to celebrate Easter and their gods and goddesses, if there were good crops and to have healthy children. It 'was very important for Christians to make their holidays and beliefs, minerals acceptable to the pagans. Doing their holiday in the pagan and Christian were able to keep happy. They believe that the Christian religion would be more widely accepted if the pagans did not have to give up any of their special days and celebrations.

This has worked for the origin of Easter is still confused with the Christian and pagan beliefs. No matter what religion you happen to be the origins of Easter always return the vernal equinox and that it should be a cause for celebration. Spring is one of the most beautiful in all seasons.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The History of Valentine's Day

Many people try to complain that Valentine's Day is just a "Hallmark holiday" dreamed of by companies seeking to profit from the desperate masses seeking love. However, nothing could be further from the truth. Valentine's Day traces its history back to ancient Rome, long before these companies started to look to their bottom line.

In ancient Rome, February 14 was declared to be a party for Juno, queen of all gods and goddesses Roman. Boys and girls were segregated throughout the year would come together and draw names from a jar, and that coupled with the person chosen for all the Festival of Lupercalia. Often, because of these associations, the couple would fall in love, and sometimes marry.

There are many legends about how Valentine's Day came to be at this point in ancient Rome. Some believe that Valentine's Day helped the prisoners to escape harsh Roman prisons, and so was imprisoned by the Roman Empire. This legend goes that while in prison, Valentine fell in love with his jailer's daughter, and began to send her love letters written signed "From your Valentine."

The prevailing legend is that Valentine was a Roman priest who began to secretly marry couples against the direct orders of Emperor Claudius II. Claudio believed it was in difficulty of recruiting soldiers for his immense army, because young people did not want to leave their girlfriends at home. To combat this problem, said that both engagements and marriages were illegal. Valentine was eventually executed for his violation of orders of Claudius', but his spirit has lived all over Rome.

When the fall of the Roman Empire and the Church became more widespread throughout medieval Europe, have abolished all pagan rites and ceremonies, including the Festival of Lupercalia. However, people did not want to give up their traditions of boys drawing the names of the girls'. Therefore, the Church has declared February 14 to be a party to celebrate Valentine's Day, the priest who secretly married many couples.

However, the boys were then told to draw the names of saints instead of girls. The children were then to emulate the life of their saint chosen for the following year. People have continued this for a short period of time, and then returned to the choice of names for girls, instead of the saints.

By the 15th century, St. Valentine's Day was celebrated with the fans singing their romantic feelings for their elected officials. People often wrote sonnets and love poems of others to give their romantic interests. By the end of this century, these sonnets were written on paper decorated and became the first Valentine's Day. In fact, the oldest surviving Valentine's Day was written in 1415 by the Duke of Orleans to his wife. It 'was written while he was imprisoned in the Tower of London and is on display at the British Museum in London.

Soon, the marks Valentine's Day became known for their unique properties. Fraktur Valentines were known for their ornate, written in medieval style. A piece of paper was folded and cut into an elaborate, lace motif for Valentine's Day crop. Puzzle Purse Valentine were complex puzzle of folded paper, which allows different portions of the Valentine's Day to be displayed at different times. Oilpaper stencils were used to paint Theoren Valentines. And Valentine's Day were made by pinprick, of course, a stinging piece of paper several times to turn the paper into a kind of lace.

By the 18th century, Valentine's Day has become extremely popular in Great Britain and the fans have started exchanging token gifts along with their valentine cards. Among the common people, this gift was often a small cake that could be achieved with small funds. In the upper classes, the gifts became more and more extravagant, and included a large box of chocolates, candies, and even jewelry.

In 1840, Esther A. Howland started his own production company in San Valentino in the United States. It became known as the Mother of the Valentine's card manufacturing beautiful colored paper, lace, and decorated letters. By the late 19th century, Valentine's Day were produced in factories in Norcross, later known as Hallmark.

These factory-produced valentines has grown to encompass more than just a declaration of undying love and devotion. As society changed and moved away from formal courtship, The Valentines began to cover the lighter messages with humor and affection. This Valentine's Day has become more widely accepted as people expanded their circle of friends and comrades.

Today, Valentine's Day is celebrated as a holiday honoring the novel. Boys and girls no longer collect the names of a vessel, but instead Valentine's Day message exchange a sign of affection. In the tradition of Britain, the children often exchange small cakes, while lovers of adults give each other large cases of sweets and gifts.

The exact origins of Valentine's Day are somewhat murky, there is no doubt that it is not just a holiday from modern times. Instead, it's an opportunity to honor both the history and modernity, romance and affection.

Monday, June 18, 2012

When Easter is always changing and why?

When is Easter? This has always been a good question, because there was a time when Easter was moved from day to day. The pagan celebration of Easter occurs each year at the same time that Christians celebrate the miraculous resurrection of their Savior Jesus Christ. This was during the spring equinox. Some of the pagan beliefs centered Attis, while others were more concerned with the coming of spring. But every year, Easter was celebrated on a different day of the week, sometimes it was a Sunday, others a Monday, it was even on Friday and Saturday. This was a very long time ago, only 300 or more years after Jesus died.

At about the people now decided that it might be a better idea to have the Easter occur on the same day of the week each year and it was written. The meeting took place between Constantine and some of the other important people of the time in 325 AD. And since Easter was on Sunday.

To be more precise this "rule of Easter," says that Easter will be celebrated the first Sunday, which has a full moon after the spring equinox. Sometimes it is the spring equinox on reality as opposed to later, but you get the meaning. There is some discrepancy between the actual dates of full moons and full moons church, leading to Passover which is celebrated between the dates of March 22 and April 25 of each year.

This could create confusion, but it's just the way that Easter has always been chosen. This is why we have schedules, they say, when Easter is every year. I honestly do not know what I would do without mine!

The fact of the matter is that while it is important that we know when that is how we celebrate Easter, the most important thing is that we bring our families together at this time to rejoice in the fact that we have family gathering. Not everyone is so lucky, these people have no friends and families to share with Easter, so I feel blessed and feel full of hope, if you are religious or not this year.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Greetings Card What, when and how

Whenever you need to wish the birthday of your friends or acquaintances happy and late, or you wish your near and dear ones a Merry Christmas, or send good wishes day your loved one Happy Valentine's or just say hello or give a message "get well soon "to your best friend, just go to an outlet of the greeting card or visit an online greeting card website and send the card you want. Have you ever wondered what the greeting card is all about and how it is originating. If you have the desire to know, this article is for you.

So lets start with what is a greeting card. Originally, greeting cards derive from postcards (which are the only side without it) and are illustrated, folded card usually with a message of greeting or other sentiment. They can be either printed by hand. Now, with the advent of the Internet, however, virtual greeting cards that have evolved doesnot fit the definition above. Although greeting cards are usually given on special occasions such as birthdays, Christmas or other holidays, they are also sent in 'non-occasions' to say 'hello' or 'thank you'. They are produced and / or hand-made by hundreds of companies large and small. Hallmark Cards and American Greetings are the largest producers of greeting cards in the U.S. and 'the United Kingdom, where you send more cards per capita than any other nation. The UK remains a world leader in this area, as well as the world leader in the region of the design greeting card.

That laid the groundwork for the greetings card industry and when and how did it all begin?

The custom of sending greeting cards can be traced back to the ancient Chinese, who exchanged messages of good will to celebrate the new year, and for the early Egyptians, who conveyed their greetings on papyrus scrolls.

From the early 1400s, handmade paper greeting cards were exchanged in Europe. The Germans are known to have printed New Year's greetings from woodcuts as early as 1400, and handmade paper Valentines were being exchanged in various parts of Europe in the first half of 1400.

However, since 1850, the postcard had been transformed from a relatively expensive, handmade and hand-delivered gift to a popular and affordable personal communication, due largely to advances in printing and mechanization.

This trend continued, fueled by new trends like Christmas cards, the first of which appeared in published form in London in 1843 when Sir Henry Cole hired artist John Calcott Horsley to design a holiday card that could send to his friends and acquaintances. Technical developments like color lithography in 1930 propelled the manufactured greeting card industry forward.

During 1980 the trend began to turn, with consumers increasingly looking for greeting cards that are differentiated from the standard. At the end of 1990 the market was clearly beginning to separate into three distinct segments:

? Following hand and the cards premium
Mass-produced · Cards
· E-cards

So, this is all about the greeting card industry began and flourished. Even if the current trend is to send e-greetings cards, there is the need to support the traditional greeting card industry and the preservation of centuries-old tradition of sending greeting card by conventional means.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Who was Valentine?

We need to return to 14 February in the year 269 AD to understand how 's Day Valentino was born.

AD 269, was a bad year for Christians because the Romans did not have much in terms of respect for the followers of Christ.

The reason was that the Romans were pantheists and so they believed in many gods, while Christians believe in one God.

The idea that there can be only one God made the Romans feel very uncomfortable because the idea of 'One God' undermined the very existence of the Roman Empire.

So the Romans to the Christians have responded with their most powerful weapon - Persecution.

For years to come the amphitheater had a lot in terms of local stocks. The average Roman could spend Sunday afternoon watching the Christians being mauled by lions annoying or dismembered by burly as the leader of the Roman gladiators tried to do with them.

Emerging from this persecution, was a man that every card manufacturer and rose entrepreneur must be thankful for - a pig's head individual named Valentino.

Valentine was a devout Christian and even the threat of death by the Romans not deter him from practicing his religion.

He flaunted his beliefs in front of the Romans - even making secret Christian marriages in the middle of the night - a practice forbidden by Claudius II, Roman Emperor.

Such blatant disregard for the authority were to be killed, and as was the custom of the day, the decision was made to end the life of Saint Valentine.

The date of his execution is set for Feb. 14.

Concidentially, February 14th was also the day that the Romans honored Juno, the goddess of women and marriage and the queen of all gods. And the day Juno was something of an event in early Rome ...

So, boys and girls led a life very different - no mixed schools or kissing behind the bicycle sheds.

However, every year, in celebration of Juno, the young people participated in a game in which they were written the names of Roman girls on scraps of paper and put in jars.

The young U.S. dollars of time has a girls name from the jar, and this became their partner for the festival Juno. E 'was common for these couples to get married then.

The execution date coincided with Valentines this lottery Roman.

To add further to the mystery surrounding Valentine's Day, according to legend Valentino while sitting in prison awaiting execution he made friends with the jailers daughter. How that came about is anyones guess - a daughter jailers friendship with a man about to be executed ... hmm ...

However, San Val and his daughter became companions within captors, and it is said that on the eve of his execution he sent a farewell note that he signed 'From your Valentine'.

He did not know that those three little words would be immortalized as an indication of love for centuries to come.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

History of the Hawaiian Hula Dance

The Hula dance is associated with Hawaii and luaus and while everyone knows what the hula is very few people are really aware of its origin, not even the Hawaiians. According to Hawaiian history there is no information available that have performed the first hula dance or why, however it is a common agreement that the original hula dance was performed by a god or goddess, making the dance sacred to Hawaiians. And this dance is sacred to the men and women to Hawaii because the hula was danced by both sexes, although some information that indicates only the men danced the hula. This information is incorrect and actually men and women both were involved in the sacred hula dance.

There are many types of Polynesian dances, but the hula is unique and completely different from other dances in this area of the world. The origin of the hula has been used for rituals and ceremonies, but this has changed over time and eventually the hula was a dance used solely for entertainment.

When the dance hula individuals truly must become one with the dance and the actions, objects or images that mimic in their hula dance. The Hula dance is a very significant and any movement of the body represents something. Besides this, the hands are very important in the hula dance as well. When the individual is dancing the hula may be imitating a palm tree, war, plants and even animals. Because of this, when the individual is the dance that are becoming mentally object are portraying through dance. Basically, the hula dancer is telling a story through body movements and hands and is therefore very important to look at. Chants also accompany the hula dance and while they used to be the most important part of the dance to portray what was happening are no longer so and the movements are more important. You will notice the difference if you see a performance of hula dance hula dance than the old style new style. While both are still in hula dancing and fun to watch, the first and the second ritual is more fun.

The hula dancers wear a costume in order to perform the hula dance. These leis around the neck or shoulders. A grass skirt is also used and is made up of tapas, known as Pau. The dancers also wear anklets of whale bone or teeth of dogs. The set comprises the vision of the hula dancer the whole world is aware.

In the past, when hula was danced as a religious ritual, rather than simply for the fun to the rules on the hula dance were very strict and the people involved in hula dancing school were required to follow them while they were learning to dance. In general, students were required to follow all the rules and behave properly while obeying their hula teacher in all requests. Some of the rules stated that hula students could not cut their nails or even hair. Other rules stated hula students could not enjoy sex nor could they eat certain foods that were forbidden. As a result, the life of dancer hula school was very strict, yet all the rules have been considered for a goal that students would learn to dance the hula better not engage in prohibited activities.

Today there are two types of hula, hula and AUAN Kahiki. hahiko Hula is the old style that was described above and generally includes percussion, singing and costumes. Kahiki Hula is a traditional ritual and song tells the story more than dance steps. However, for Auna's more fun hula music, guitars, funny costumes to enhance the dance, ukuleles and even songs. This type of hula uses body movements and hands to really tell the story because it is easier for tourists to understand.

While the hula dance has been around for thousands of years and has always been popular almost disappeared in 1800 when missionaries arrived in Hawaii. The missionaries believed that hula dancing was devilish and against God and tried to convince the dancers of their wrongdoing by dancing the hula. However, King Kalakaua did not want the traditional dance of the islands to disappear simply because the missionaries did not understand what the hula was all about in the first place so he acted.

As a result, King Kalakaua developed its own group of hula dancers and encouraged them to learn the hula dance, the old style hula, hula, and fortunately have not disappeared and remains a very important dance of the islands and even today there are hundreds of hula schools on all Hawaiian islands that teach the hula dance, old-fashioned for the students. Even today many of hula schools have strict rules, like the old hula schools implemented.

There are even hula schools and groups that teach old style hula dancing to people on the mainland so while hula is an important part of Hawaiian culture the culture is spreading and many people show an interest in learning to dance hula.

When you visit Hawaii, no matter which island you visit, you will definitely see plenty of hula dancing from old style to new and more entertaining hula and regardless which one you like more you should definitely attend festivals or dances that are both styles so you can see the show 's island and experience the culture, history and the people of Hawaii. You never know, you can learn a few hula moves yourself.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The history of Lancaster Castle Pt1

Welcome to Lancaster Castle or as it is commonly known John O 'Gaunt's Castle. In Part 1, we will make a trip back in time to discover the origins of the castle of the early Roman period to the present day.

Lancaster Castle is a result of strong original built by the Romans, which dominates the city of Lancaster and the River Lune to help combat the invading forces of the Picts and Scots. After the fall of the Roman Empire in Britain during the 5th century, Lancaster fell into decline and it was not until the Norman Conquest that the present castle took on a more solid structure with the construction of the Norman keep by Roger of Poitou.

The castle has led an eventful and colorful life with a succession of owners. A total of 265 executions took place within its walls, as well as the infamous Pendle witch trials 1612. A total of ten people were tried and convicted of witchcraft. If you were unlucky enough to be imprisoned in her cell during the second half of the 18th century onwards, you could have found to carry the new colony found in Australia.

In 1399 Richard II seized the castle of the second Duke of Lancaster, John of Gaunt after his death and claimed the castle in the name of the monarchy. When Henry IV Richard hunted in the same year, the castle became part of the Duchy of Lancaster, where she has remained ever since.

Henry has started a massive rebuilding program which saw the addition of a gatehouse with two towers. The guard consisted of two towers 20 feet high consisting of several floors with the first two which are surrounded by a number of rooms. A Well Tower (which became known as the Witch's Tower) was built during the 14th century and consists of two deep wells and numerous underground dungeon. These dungeons went home to people accused of witchcraft, before they try to Lancaster Castle during the reign of King James I in the 16th century.

In 1585, Elizabeth I rebuilt the top floor of the 12th century Keep.

extensive changes were made during the 18th century, turning the castle into a prison. The use of which has lasted for over three centuries. separate complexes were constructed for female prisoners and male as well as a house Warden. This comprehensive renovation program started in 1788 with the caretaker's house and accumulated in the prison for male prisoners in 1796.

The rooms of the gatehouse were converted into prison cells that have been used to house debtors. These rooms are very comfortable and reserved for those debtors that they could lay their hands on a bit 'of money, allowing them to live a comfortable life compared to others in the same situation. Before they were probably used and maintained by Constable Castelli. This was not the first time the castle was used to house prisoners. A reference to the prisoners held at the castle dates back to 1196.

The last major program of building undertaken at Lancaster Castle was in 1821 when a new female prison was built to the design of Joseph Gandy who had been trained by James Wyatt and had worked for John Nash.

In Pt2 you will discover the infamous witch trials of 1612 and how it could have been transported to Australia during the second half of the 18th century. You will learn to know his real visitors and debtors' prison.

I hope you enjoyed reading this and I look forward to your visit in Part 2.


Stuart Bazga

Monday, June 11, 2012

Be My Valentine.

First, there was a Valentine's Day to bring romance into the equation, in mid-February was an important day for lovers. From 400 years BC, the Romans held an annual lottery in the name of their god Lupercus. The names of teenage women were placed in a box and drawn at random by adolescent men. The 'winners' were legally coupled to one year.

Meanwhile, the mad emperor Claudius banned marriage for young people - believed that single men made better soldiers.

A Christian bishop, Valentine, disagreed with his emperor and secretly performed marriage ceremonies until Claudius found out and imprisoned before him, and eventually was beaten, stoned and beheaded on February 24, 270.

While in prison, Valentine fell in love with the daughter of his jailer, and when he got to run, he left a note signed 'From your Valentine'.

Taking the name of St. Valentine in vain, the Church in AD 496, has finally decided to abolish the annual membership raffle off in honor of the god Lupercus, and so decreed a small change in the rules:

Since then, both young men and young women would choose a name out of a hat, but instead of getting a year of company (and often lust), they drew the name of a saint whose life had to spend the next emulating years.

It must have been quite a disappointment to the Roman hot young bleeding!

They called the day after St. Valentine, whose intervention, 226 years after his death, was more to usurp the pagan god which means love.

Fortunately, the public memory was more powerful than the political will and Valentine remained associated with lovers. Young Roman men, deprived of their lottery, took the hand instead of handwritten notes for the women who admired February 14.

The tradition of Valentine's card was then entered into more than 1500 years ago!

The first card is still known to exist today in the British Museum. It was sent by Charles, Duke of Orleans to his wife. He was a prisoner in the Tower of London at the time, and so his feelings of love were probably more acute than most!

In the sixteenth century, the Bishop of Geneva, attempted to restore the name of the Holy annual lottery, but his efforts were of short duration. February 14 was too close relationship with the fans for the Church to interfere with success.

In 1797 an English publisher, he would do very well in modern times of Internet, has published 'the young writer Valentine', which offers dozens of suggestions for creative ways sentimental question.

The practice of sending anonymous cards began with the Victorians, who secretly loved nothing racy nature, but information necessary to maintain a respectful show of purity. So, the verses in the cards has become more and more obscene, but the authors remained hidden behind anonymity.

The first publisher of Valentine's Day cards in America, Esther Holland pay up to $ 35 per card. And this was in 1870!

Finally, the kisses are written as 'x', because in the days of illiteracy, the signature is a cross. To convey the effect of an oath, people would draw up their cross and kiss it - the same way that they would kiss the Bible. So the X and the kiss becomes one and the same.

Have a nice Valentine's Day! X

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Years and Chinese elements

Chinese year

Chinese years revolve in cycles of ten years each. Each set of two consecutive years is governed by a Chinese cosmic element. So there are five elements in all: metal, water. Wood, Fire and Earth. Everyone has a unique color associated. (That white, black, blue / green, red and yellow respectively)

Identification Element China

To find your Chinese element, consider the last digit of your year of birth. See the list below for a brief description of your Chinese birth element. (For example, if you were born in 1971, your element is Metal.)

0-1: Metal = feelings which conduct electricity, like the power (color: white) people born in the year will be equally controlled by the element metal hard and determined as their expression in any particular permit. They are driven by strong feelings, and pursue their objectives with intensity and little hesitation. Sustained by their ambitions, are capable of sustained effort to get what they want. I am very sources-oriented and unwavering in their determination.

2-3: water = quiet, steady influence the thoughts of others' (color: black) Persons born in a year dominated by the water have a greater capacity for medium to communicate and to advance their ideas, thoughts influencing others. Other peoples minds are their vessels and help bring their creative ideas into positive action. They are basically governed by sympathetic vibrations and convey their feelings and emotions to the best degree that their sign will allow native animals.

4-5: Wood = value ethics, cooperative and generous nature (color: green) People born under the aegis of the value of wood in their ethics, their high spirits and a good dose of confidence. They know the intrinsic value of things and their interests are rich and varied. Their cooperative nature expansive and allow them to do things big. Possess executive personalities because they can divide and separate questions in the right categories and work orders. Their progressiveness and generosity enable them to tackle larger projects, the long-term developments or resize or expensive scientific studies - definitely not one-man joint.

6-7: Fire = attractive, impulsive, strong leadership skills (color: red) Persons born in a year ruled by the element Fire show above-average qualities of leadership, are determined and sure of themselves. Have the maximum capacity allowed by their particular sign to motivate people and bring ideas into fruition Because they be more aggressive and positive Than other natives of their particular sign. Love adventure and innovation, will tend to hire bright new ideas readily and try to dominate others with their creativity and originality. Not afraid of the risks and like to keep moving and exploring new horizons.

8-9: Earth = deductive powers, prefers chasing solid and reliable (color: yellow) People born under signs influenced by the Earth element are more concerned with functional and practical aspirations. Have excellent deductive powers and pursuits as a solid and reliable on which they spend their energies. With their foresight and organizational skills are effective planners and administrators. You will find all the resources for optimal use and are wise and prudent in financial matters, as well as participation in their own money. They are intelligent and most objective in directing others towards the realization of well-plotted goals.

Therefore, your Chinese year of birth determines your Chinese animal sign as well as your Chinese cosmic element. If you were born between January 21, 1966 and February 8, 1967 - that is, in the course of a year on horseback, who was both a fire year - your Chinese animal sign is Horse, and your element is Fire cosmic China. In other words, they are known as a Fire Horse. Similarly, those born in an Earth Buffalo year is known as Buffalo Land.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Stop! You are both right

Cyberspace has certainly reduced the margin of error ...

Colloquialisms used to take quite a while 'to become embedded in a local vernacular. For example, Americans expunged from the English colonies in 1789, but based on personal letters exchanged between the two countries that were identified by historians, it took until 1830 was made the first observation to note a marked difference between their accents .

local dialects will always be a fixture in geographical cultures. However, as more and more of us through both cyberspace and the real world, the basic decisions are becoming a little 'problem.

I just noticed again in the sports world, where a national broadcast characterized the recent darlings of the NCAA basketball, Gonzaga University in Spokane, Washington. The locals will insist that the name is listed as 'Gon-ZAEG-ah', but inevitably, sports announcers from elsewhere to refer to 'Gon-ZAHG-uh' until corrected by the locals.

However, the name of Gonzaga was a part of Italian history since 1300, and anyone who has studied or been exposed to it from that context much deeper know the correct pronunciation is 'Gon-ZAHG-uh'. Ludovico Gonzaga dynasty not only established his family is over the Italian state of Mantua in 1328, but his family became a cultural force and military in that area for the better part of five centuries.

You will also notice that the university has a Spokane extension program in Italy and still firmly maintains its preference for the colloquial pronunciation. Trust me, in Europe, called 'Gon-ZAHG-uh'. However, students from the Spokane campus, from Bing Crosby to John Stockton, learned to refer to their alma mater as a 'Gon-ZAEG-ah.'

This raises the old question of etiquette correct pronunciation, of course. We go with the traditional version of an accurate and appropriate name if we are aware of it or preferences colloquial, for Some reason, took off in a Certain Area?

Another classic example is Notre Dame. The correct French, of course, is 'noht-ruh Dahm.' Use the Americanized version anywhere else in the world at risk of being castigated as Hayseed. Yet, the Jesuit university based in South Bend, Indiana, obviously prefers the local pronunciation.

The universalisation of products addressing the problem itself. For example, the German beer 'Löwenbräu' pronounced 'LUH-Fri-Broye' everywhere, except in English speaking countries and the Swedish furniture store, IKEA, is universally referred to as 'EE-KAY-uh'. Try to pronounce the right way and is odds-on you will be satisfied with a blank stare or regarded as a snob. But, what have you done except say the name exactly?

Of course, in consumerism, which is the bottom line that pronunciation. There's no better example of the legendary German shoe tycoon Adi Dassler, who used his name as a basis for its corporate image. While most of the world refers to its sports footwear as 'AH-dee-Dahs,' the Americans somehow found a way to call him 'Oh-Dee-duhs'. Go figure. Dassler ever seen, though. Dollars spent easily as any other currency.

Other famous names have undergone colloquialization full. In hockey, Teemu Selanne is a Finnish star who was in the NHL for a while '. Perhaps they came to North as 'TAE-moo-lah-SAY Nuh America', but any fan of hockey on the continent known only as 'Seh TEE-moo-lah-nee'.

Sometimes even to see the metamorphosis universal colloquial pronunciation occur before our eyes. In baseball, Bill Mueller was a solid baseball player from his major-league debut with the San Francisco Giants in 1996. At that time, went from the traditional German pronunciation of his surname 'MYOO-Luhr.' However, somewhere along the line, decided and then announced that his surname was best said aloud as the 'Miller'. I wonder why? What does one do then? Correcting someone on how to declare your name?

Actor Jake Gyllenhåll has Swedish roots. His name means literally 'Golden Way' and should be shown as 'Yee-Lehn-hole'. U.S. is easier to say 'Lehn-JEE-hall.' I've never seen anything that indicates where Jake is on the question. Probably too busy and rich talent.

That's why I find it difficult to criticize anyone who uses or pronunciation. It is a matter of context on who is right. Like the popular breath-mint commercial says, that both are.

My rule is simple. In any situation, if there is more than we are of you and pronunciation becomes a volatile issue, they are right. Otherwise, the universality prevails.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Identifying The Gift Of The Gab For St Patricks Day

With St. Patrick's Day Coming Around Again, our thoughts are with shamrocks, the "luck of the Irish" and "Gift of Gab".

We will leave the Irish on their luck and their shamrocks, and focus here on the gift of gab, which in less colloquial terms would be identified as persuasive communication skills.

This article is going to learn to identify only those who have sought this gift, which did not, and how they are used. And you can tell all this without ever meeting the person in question. How? Looking at their handwriting. So dig those Valentine's Day last month and check for them, "Irish-ness" for this month.

Handwriting is a form of body language, and how you can tell a lot about someone by their body language, so you can tell a lot about someone from their "body language as it appears frozen in their writing.

Just as, I ask you, can you identify the gift of gab write.

First of all, this requires talking. Letters rim (a, b, the part of circle D and G) can be thought of as the mouth. If the mouth is open, you can talk. If the mouth is closed you can. So look for the letters circle with a gap open instead of closed with care.

How many letters are closed circle than those in the writing sample? This is a rough guide HOW talkative the writer is. All letters circle open and attentive, even if this person has no kind of charm and gift that will certainly be talkative.

Will be true what they say? A very important question.

If the letters circle, both open and closed ones, have loops everywhere, or are only "clean" looking for? A loop or a knot on the right side of a circular letter is an indication of secrecy. This does not mean that there is some dark secret hidden, but certainly not always the whole truth, begorra! (Sorry, got carried away with my Irish-ism there.)

A course on the left shows the deception or self that the writer does not see things quite the way others do. He represents the things in his own light, in his understanding, which could be misleading if it is far from what the basis for general understanding of the problem is.

But to really watch out for is the circular rings on both the left and right sides. This is an indication of a deliberate deception - if it is repeated throughout the text. A double loop does not make a liar - is repeated, so that pathological liars do not go labeling people just because they have made a slip of the pen, which ended with two rings on an "o".

So now we know that they talk a lot and if what they say is true.

Now, finally, we want to know if they are convincing. People are in danger of being influenced, driven by verbosity of this person.

Watch the angle of writing. The rightmost tilt more emotion - and it is an emotion that persuades - will be with words. An inscription on the right angle, with open circles is a persuasive speaker - the gift of gab, truthful or untruthful.

And I lied, (double loop?) That was not the last element. Let me add another - long T-bar radicals, the longer the better. This is the stretch of enthusiasm that swept the others along in its flow.

As you enjoy your celebration of St. Paddy's Day, think of all that is Irish, and writing for all to see the gift of gab, I leave you with this anonymous quote:

"May you always walk in sunshine, may you never want more. May Irish angels rest their wings beside your door."

Happy St. Paddy's Day.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Astrology: Fact or Fiction

"So what's your sign?" Not just a trite pickup line, astrology in various forms, has been with mankind for a very long time. People of different countries and cultures, have often looked to the stars for guidance. Millions of people read their daily horoscopes, though most look like a mere form of entertainment. Some people really take the art of astrology very seriously and I think it is a valid means by which to predict the personality of a person, as well as their immediate future (although the most serious astrologers having horoscopes be reviewed as only entertainment) .

So where did all start? About 3,500 years ago, the ancient Babylonians were attempting to correlate the events on earth (eg good crop yields, bad diseases) with things they noticed in the night sky. This was not the first time this has happened, either. Other ancient cultures like the Maya and Aztecs, developed their own form of astrology too. Most of the astrology we see today, however, comes from India, Europe and China. All, however, is deeply routed, or deeply influenced by Babylonian astrology.

Early astrologers simply correlated with those events heavenly land. It was not until mathematical astronomy developed (which allows us to predict the movement of stars and planets), around 612-539 BC, that astrologers started to "predict" the future. It 'was also around this time that the "twelve" signs of the zodiac, were created. The oldest recorded horoscope dates from 29 April 410 BC comes from a plate of old clay that has been done for the emergence of a greek man. The tablet is very similar to the horoscope given out today. Even more similar, however, is the vague prediction given on the person. Parts of the board who are still alive, State:

"... Things go well for you."

Early Babylonian astrologers were called: Chaldeans. Would create shops in town, and offer their services to passersby. Interestingly, it was not until he has done in Greece, that the concept of free will was entered into the equation. The ancient Greeks viewed these jokes as Chaldeans and their predictions to be patently false. They refused to believe that the stars dictated their actions, and who had no free will. For this reason, astrologers adopted the belief that the stars can only show "possible paths" through life. This turned out to be a major advantage for the Chaldeans, and astrologers future, what he did for the Greeks. Now astrologers had a valid excuse for why their predictions do not always come true.

Finally, we come to the most influential man in astrology: Claudius Ptolemeaus. Also known as Ptolemy, wrote the book: Tetrabiblos. In it, Ptolemeaus tried to consolidate all the various aspects of astrology, when, in a sort of valid standards. Tetrabiblos is generally regarded as the modern "astrological bible" from which everything derives Western astrology.

Okay, now let's see where it all started, but what with the rise in popularity? Astrology was already in crisis in 1600, such as astronomy really took off. It was not until relatively recent events of World War I, that astrology really started to rise again. So, why is that in this day and age, with the knowledge available to most industrial nations and post-industrial, that astrology is so popular? Could actually be an effective means of telling the future, or the psychology of a person?

So far, the answer is an emphatic NO, by the scientific community. Despite the fact that a Gallup poll found that about 50% of Americans believe in astrology, there was no scientifically valid evidence to support this belief. On the contrary, there are a lot of counterexamples to this. In fact, there are many counterexamples to the validity of astrology, that most scientists dismiss as just a fun diversion. Yet, for the sake of closure, some examples which are shown below.

To begin, we have the arbitrary nature of astronomical symbols themselves. All the traditional planets of our solar system (ie none of the candidates recently discovered planetary), were named after Roman gods. This assignment was completely arbitrary. There may have been a logic behind (Mars is red, the war is blood, etc.), but overall there is no reason to think that just because Venus was named after the goddess of love, which should hold any influence on their relationships. If the "effects" of the planets on people, had a real relationship for the same planets, then Venus should be the king of bad gas, not love.

Other things to consider are the fact that many astrological terms, are emerging from a period when the Earth was believed to be the center of the universe (geocentric). As such, astrologers still talk of cycles and epicycles. How many times have you heard an astrologer (or individual mentality astrology) say that "Mars is in retrograde."

Then there is the fact that Uranus, Neptune and Pluto were discovered only in the last 250 years. Many astrologers say that the astrological techniques are accurate for many centuries. If planets on people, then we can not discount these three, that is to say nothing of the newly discovered "planet 10."

Another nail in the proverbial coffin is the miss of the mysterious 13th zodiac: Ophiuchus. This constellation falls along the ecliptic, and the houses of the sun during a month of the year (December). Yet modern astrologers choose to ignore the "serpent bearer" in favor of the 12 zodiac symbols. The reason they cite is the troubled history of the constellation. Ophiuchus is a point in the sky, which once housed multiple constellations. This argument tends to fall apart, however, considering that the ancient Greeks as the "father of modern astrology," Claudio Ptolemeaus, both considered valid by a constellation Ophiuchus. The most likely scenario seems to be that 12 zodiac symbols fits quite well with 12 months of the Gregorian calendar. As such, the reason for the omission seems to be convenience and aesthetics, rather than a real problem with the same constellation.

Two examples of where astrology fails the test of validity include studies of twins and the effect of precession. With twin studies, we see how two people born at the same time and same place are able to lead lives completely different from one another, even if the astrological horoscope should work for both. The effect of precession is even more interesting.

As the Earth goes around the universe, that "wobbles" along its axis due to the gravitational pull of the moon and sun. This oscillation can be compared to flickering we see when we turn a top. Even when the top turns very fast, you can still see him make a small circle about the area, is spinning. The Earth does something very similar to this. The geographic North Pole is an arc around 23.5 ◦, what is known as the ecliptic pole. This precession proceeds at a rate of 1 ◦ for every 180 years.

For this reason, the arrangement of the constellations in the night sky, no longer conforms to their original position in the tropical zodiac. Each astrological sign is now off by 1 month. So if one was born in the constellation Virgo, are actually in the constellation Libra, and so on. There is a distinct type of astrology called: Sidereal Astrology. It takes into account the precession of the planet. He does this by subtracting ~ 24 ◦ constellations. Both versions still suffer from the fact that the constellations themselves are not of equal size, and therefore not fit neatly into 12, 30 ◦ "slices" of the sky, that astrologers have assigned them. As such, the constellation overlap still occurs.

Other examples include the effect of gravity (why bother to pull of Saturn, when pulling the moon is much stronger!) The effect of the magnetic field (modern electronics produce magnetic fields much stronger than the Earth).

Astrology can be a fun and entertaining diversion for many, but you should always keep in mind that it is only for entertainment purposes.

"There is an absurdity of the past that can not be found flourishing somewhere in this." - Will Durant

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Four Elements

Empedocles, greek philosopher, scientist and healer who lived in Sicily in the fifth century BC, believed that all matter is composed of four elements of earth, air, fire and water. Fire and air are outwardly reaching elements, reaching out and, while land and water turn inward and downward.

In his book, four elements in ancient greek philosophy, Tracy Marks describes a wide-ranging look at earth, fire, water and air, and the dynamic twin forces of love and struggle. His book takes one on a journey from ancient Greece to alchemy to Carl Jung's association of meaning, feeling, thinking and intuition.

The four elements Air, Fire, Water and Earth describe the four personality types uniquely associated with the exhibition of the zodiac elements signs.The profound influence on basic character traits, behavior, emotions, thought and intuition. Critics consider these traits too general, but they are reflected in our relationships, and ambitions or lack thereof, and unexpected turns and twists that add spice to our lives.

Astrology seeks to help us focus these energies to the positive aspects, a better understanding of our positive traits and deal with the negative ones: thus realize our full potential and give our best for this life.

To deny this is to deny life and destiny. We all need air to breathe, water to sustain our growth and to cleanse us, fire our refuge from the cold and nourish us, to live on earth with all living things in it and to grow our own food.


Astrology: Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo

Jung: sensation

Feel the earth beneath our feet, the soil that sustains all life forms. Watch the power and beauty of the mountains, a symbol of stability and solidity of the earth. Every day we experience the physical world, we walk on this earth, enjoy the beauty and goodness of Mother Earth and feel the comfort of being on solid ground.

Associated with the signs Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo, Earth represents the practical, realistic material side of our nature, seeks to assert a stable, safe and structured environment in which we can operate. Feel the earth under their feet, solid and stable as you walk slowly.

The Earth is patient and reliable. E 'solid and strong. To be on solid ground encouraged to seek practical and most logical answer to a problem. Earth can be a stabilizing force in a relationship of structure and organization to help achieve balance and harmony. Earth supports growth, watch plant life grow from an acorn grows an oak tree, and so man grows from youth to maturity, and realize the immense growth in every aspect of life.

The over expression of this element can be seen in a stubborn. rigid personality, one who strives to stay in the comfort zone in life, afraid to take risks. It can also be seen by a love of the material side of life, the comforts of material well-being, material worth can be stressed and this may lead to a stressful situation worrying.

Weakness: attachment, greed, materialism, resists change, too much attention to detail and lose the big picture.


Astrology: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

Jung: Thinking

The Air element is associated with the signs Gemini, Libra. and Aquarius. It seeks to establish himself in the realm of spirit. And 'through the thought process that we develop ideas. And 'through the influence of this element that we learn to communicate. Through the air we gain and share knowledge.

Air contributes inventiveness, originality and versatility of the personality. It gives you that feeling of freedom, unattachment, protruding into the mind itself. Enjoy that refreshing gentle breeze, allow thoughts to flow freely and nourish the creative moment. Air expresses love of people, the ability to intellectualize, to appreciate differences in people, accept different perspectives, without which there would be a lack of vision and human interaction.

Thoughts are a constant force in our lives.It is associated with meditation where deep breathing is essential to achieve that level of calmness, energy and relaxation. The air is used for transportation, flying and sailing. Let your thoughts go to reach the intellectual search and to realize your potential.

An influence on the expression of an aircraft may be seen as living in a dream world with unrealistic goals and flights of fancy. Air should seek to maintain and develop practical consistency in dealing with the real world.

The weakness of this element: the lack of emotions, depression, lack of connection with your higher self, overactive mind that blocks inner peace and harmony.


Astrology: Leo, Sagittarius, Aries

Jung: Intuition

The signs Leo, Aries and Sagittarius are associated with the element fire. It represents the life force within us glow. This project element of self-expression, creativity, courage and enthusiasm. Feel the comforting warmth of a fire, or heat when it gets cold. We need fire to meet the basic needs of cooking our food. Fire provides a sense of security, warmth and inspiration t that is shared with people around. Fire strengthens the confidence to tackle problems without hesitation. Without fire, no glory, no conviction, no expression.

A spark can turn new ideas, serve as a beacon to light the way to achieve goals with conviction and enthusiasm.

Expression of excess heat can become aggressive assertiveness, daring in a reckless behavior and so on. When the influence of fire is out of control, trying to consume everything in its path.

Weakness: lack of interest, egotistic, excessive self-centeredness, self-importance.


Astrology: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces Jung: Feelings / Emotions

The element associated with water signs Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces influences the conscience and the unconscious forces that act on our lives, The element water pours in others.It lets you feel their pain and suffering and offer sincere compassion.

psychic awareness is also present in the water signs and displays from time to time with extreme accuracy. Water seeks to heal and nurture those around it. Uncontrolled, this element may send the emotions on a turbulent path resulting in moodiness and unpredictable ups and downs, as the ridge and through the waves.

water signs need serenity and calm, like a river flowing sweet feed everyone in his wake and at the same time leading to the discovery of new pathways.

Over espresso, there is a tendency to be overly emotional, deeply sensitive and subjective. With too much emotion, depression may result.

The weakness can result from being too protective and possessive of loved ones, the cold attitude and lack of unity may arise.

A balance of elements

The best combination of each element type of personality strives to create a balance of these elemental aspects of each, thereby resulting in relationship that thrives on mutual growth and harmony.

The air element in a relationship provides ideas and dreams that fire can act and create a reality.


The water provides sensitivity and nurturing approach sometimes cold reservedearthly issues, thus laying the foundations for future growth of the relationship


Balance can be achieved by realizing that water can inject needed sensitivity and patience in the fire sign. and the fire while you can add drive and courage to act that can sometimes miss the signs of water.


initiative and fire unit capable of stimulating times relaxed and confidential nature of the ground. At the same time, the convenience and discipline of land may be balancing the fire sometimes guide ways of acting.

When two elements of the same type combine, the harmony can be achieved when the needs and characteristics are the same for both. However, hampers the growth of both individuals become too easy to point the spark necessary for growth may be deficient.

Ideally, we should strive for a balance of elements Earth / Water and Air / Fire.

Other combinations may also work until both partners in accordance with the needs of others and unique features that they both relate to and use every force others to balance


Reference: Tracy Marks book elements in ancient greek philosophy

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

As part of the horoscope are you?

There is no doubt that millions of people begin their journey rushing through the newspapers to see the daily horoscope. We want the horoscope to tell us positive things will happen in the next 24 hours, like how will somebody look good, how quickly we will be rich, or our love compatibility. On the contrary, we are less interested to come with a horror-scope like "today is your day of love, affairs are not the stars for you today."

But first, as part of the horoscope are you? Hmm? Don (t really know what the horoscope is? Well, the horoscope is an astrological chart for a particular person or group that correlates each zodiac sign as they are crossed by the Sun, Moon and planets and the position of planets in astrology. Now, the elements Fire, Earth, Air and Water are based on ancient Greek philosophy, they are the building blocks of life: the solid earth on which we stand, the water we use as a resource, the air we breathe and the fire keeps us warm and help to create additional resources. The horoscope elements reflect a quality of human nature and correspond also with the Tarot: Fire = Wands; Earth = currencies; Air = Swords; Water = Cups.

Here is the list of the Sun signs, but if you still don (I know, ask mom for your birthday and continue to read this:

1. Earth Signs

Well-grounded and realistic, the earth sign makes sure you stay in the real world. When it comes to friendship, no one is more rock steady than you. A manufacturer of long-term bonds, you are talented in business and good with money. You can find fulfillment in seeing tangible results for your efforts.

earth signs are Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.

Taurus (April 21-May 21): they are faithful and generous friends with a great capacity for affection, but rarely make friends with anyone outside their social rank. The ruling planet for Taurus is Venus, the favorite color is pink, and its star stone is the emerald.

Virgo (August 23 to September 23): They need the stimulus of practical problems to solve, rather than the mere routine or working to set specifications that need no thinking. The ruling planet for Virgo is Mercury, the colors are green and dark brown, and its star stone is the sardonyx.

Capricorn (December 22 to January 20): They plan carefully to fulfill their ambitions, but they are cheap, without malice, and capable of achieving great results through their organizational skills. The ruling planet for Capricorn is Saturn, the color of choice is Brown, and his star is a black onyx stone.

Second. Signs of Fire

These three are the sexiest signs in the horoscope. Enthusiastic and creative, courageous and spontaneous, safe and fun, you're burning love. Other signs of cooling can be dazzled by your bright flame.

fire signs are Leo, Sagittarius and Aries.

Leo (July 23 to August 22): Their personal magnetism and innate courtesy of mind bring out the best of loyalty from subordinates. The ruling planet for Leo is the Sun, the color of choice is gold, and its star stone is the ruby.

Aries (March 21 to April 20): The Arian is a pioneer both in thought and action, adventurous, ambitious and impulsive. The ruling planet of Aries is Mars, the favorite color is red, and its star stone is the precious Diamond.

Sagittarius (November 23-December 21): Their strongly idealistic nature can also suffer many disappointments without being affected. The ruling planet for Sagittarius is Jupiter, the color of choice is the purple, and its star stone is the Topaz.

3. Air Signs

These three are the most intellectual signs of the horoscope. Their skills make them great thinkers and problem solvers.

Air signs are Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.

Gemini (May 22-June 21): since they lack the quality of consciousness, are inclined to fight a losing battle all attempts are to be moral. The ruling planet for Gemini is Mercury, the favorite color is green, and its star stone is the Agate.

Libra (24 September-23 October): Libra are sensitive and have the psychic gift of understanding the emotional needs of their companions and meeting with their innate optimism. The ruling planet of Libra is Venus, the favorite color is the blues, and its star stone is the Sapphire.

Aquarius (January 21 to February 19): Many are psychically intuitive to the Age of Aquarius, a time when humanity will experience a great spiritual awakening. The ruling planet is Uranus in Aquarius, the color of choice is Turquoise, and its star stone is the turquoise.

4. Water Signs

These three always stay tuned to their feelings, conscious and subconscious, with a level of intuitiveness sometimes bordering on psychic. Water is the element of the poet, have them ready to interpret the universe.
Air signs are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

Cancer (June 22-July 22): The character of Cancer is the least clear of all those associated with the signs of the zodiac: It can go from timid, dull, shy and withdrawn to the most brilliant and famous. The ruling planet for Cancer is the Moon, the color of choice is silver, and its star stone is the pearl.

Scorpio (October 24 to November 22): They are like a volcano and can erupt at any time. Their tenacity and willpower are immense. The ruling planet for Scorpio is Pluto, the color of choice is dark red to maroon, and its star stone is Opal.

Pisces (February 20-March 20) are easier to deal with the problems of others than with their own. Their psychic and spiritual qualities can lead to careers in the church or as mediums and mystics. They are also sexually delicate. The ruling planet for Pisces is Neptune, the color of choice is soft Sea Green, and its star stone is the Moonstone.