Germany has many traditions it shares with nine neighbors that abut. They also have a lot 'that they themselves started.
U.S. children write their letters to Santa and mail them to the North Pole with their respective wish lists. In other countries, children can write their letters and throw them into the fire so the smoke will be held in Santa their lists to the North Pole.
German children have a slightly different tradition, though. They write their letters to the Christ Child or Infant Jesus. They were kept in envelopes and decorate the bag with sugar and glue to make them glitter in the moonlight. They were then placed on the windowsill, where parents usually pick up to them to leave the appearance that the Christkind has stopped receiving them.
Another tradition is for children to fill their shoes with hay, straw and carrots and leave them at the door. They are trying to St. Nicholas groped to stop and eat his white stallion. He then returned the shoes to fill with candy and toys.
The Christmas tree tradition was started in Germany and Christmas trees are quite popular there. As the Christmas tree tradition began is a matter of debate.
The first story is a woodcutter who found a lone hungry child, while cutting trees. Befriended and fed the baby. After the meal the child kept on the road. The next day the child appeared to woodcutter and his wife as spirit and thanked him for his kindness. He explained that he was the Christ child, Christkind the Germans.
Woodcutter gave a sprig from an evergreen tree and explained that this tree would bear fruit throughout the year. This led to German evergreen trees, killing and decorated with ribbons, candy, etc. to celebrate the Christkind.
The story of how other Christmas tree was born is attributed to Martin Luther. Supposedly brought an evergreen tree one year from the outside and decorated with candles. The candles were to represent the light of Jesus Christ and heaven, according to tradition.
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